Ayang Rinpoche

Ayang Rinpoche is also the founder of two monasteries, in cluding Thupten Shedup Janchub Ling at Bylakupee, Chogyab, and Ayang Tulku, Ayang being the name of a 435-year-old monastery in Kham (eastern Tibet) which is a branch of the Drikung main monastery.Perhaps no Tibetan lama is more identified with the transmission of Phowa to the West than His Eminence Ayang Rinpoche.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


We have completed holding the weekly group practices of the Concise Namchö Buddha Amitabha sadhana and the Long Prayer to be Reborn in Dewachen commemorating the 49 days since H.E. Choeje Ayang Rinpoche's parinirvana.

We made a video recording of the practice, which includes Rinpoche's chanting along with the visualization notes. If you have received the Buddha Amitabha empowerment and oral transmission (lung) from Ayang Rinpoche, you are welcome to request the digital recording for your personal practice. Please contact us to request a digital link, and include confirmation that you are qualified.

We also want to remind you that we hold a Zoom Phowa practice every New Moon (Nyingma) and Full Moon (Drikung) at 7 pm (USA Eastern time). If you have taken Rinpoche's Phowa Course and would like to practice with the group, please contact us for the link and confirm that you are qualified.

We invite you to make a donation (tax-deductible in the US) to support the monastery and 49-day parinirvana ceremonies. Make out your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, and mail it to PO Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001, or donate online here.

Thank you for your participation and support,

Your sangha at Amitabha Foundation US

Thursday, January 16, 2025


According to directions from Ayang Rinpoche's monastery, we will be holding a group practice of the Concise Namchö Buddha Amitabha sadhana and the Long Prayer to be Reborn in Dewachen on the remaining seven-day anniversaries since Rinpoche's parinirvana.

Those who have received the Buddha Amitabha empowerment and oral transmission are welcome to join our online practice on the following days:

January 15 and January 22 (dates are in the USA)

at 7:00 pm (Eastern timezone in the US):.

Join the practice by Zoom at this link*: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81572930999?pwd=9t5W8LzvstaE2zmcKSwW3nZKwnneo5.1 

We will be following a recording of Rinpoche, and will be posting the text (Tibetan and English) on the Zoom sessions. For more detailed information, visit our website or email us to receive a copy of the visualization notes, if you are qualified.

View the live streamed pujas being done daily at the monastery on Facebook.

We invite you to make a donation (tax-deductible in the US) to support the monastery and 49-day parinirvana ceremonies; make out your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, and mail it to PO Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001, or donate online here.

Thank you for your participation and support,

Your sangha at Amitabha Foundation US


Today (Jan 15) marks the 42nd day and 6th week since the parinirvana of H.E. Choeje Ayang Rinpoche. Khenpos and senior monks of Lamayuru, Phyang and Sharchukhul monasteries in Ladakh and Khenpos and monks of Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling monastery are performing the Chakrasamsara offering prayer in the Yidam (Tutelary deity) temple.


On Jan 15, the 42nd day and 6th week since the parinirvana of H.E. Choeje Ayang Rinpoche, in the Amitabha Temple, Khenpos, Retreat masters and senior monks from Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling Monastery are performing the Buddha Amitabha offering prayers.



Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Support Parinirvana Ceremonies


The parinirvana of our precious lama, His Eminence Chöje Ayang Rinpoche is a significant loss to all of us personally, as well as to the global Buddhist community. The Amitabha Foundation, which he established and dedicated his life to, will continue to support Rinpoche’s vast intention to benefit all sentient beings.

Rinpoche’s teachings and international travel no longer support the monastery and his projects in Tibet, India and Nepal. We will continue to ask for your financial support to help bring his visionary building projects to completion, particularly the temple and retreat centers in Bodhgaya, India.

On this final day of 2024, we invite you to reflect on the profound impact that Ayang Rinpoche has had in making your life more meaningful and to make a donation of any amount to support the 49 days of Parinirvana pujas at Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe, which continue through January 22, 2025. 

Please end this year with an act of generosity according to your own capacity, planting seeds of merit for yourself, and of aspiration to continue honoring Ayang Rinpoche and his deep commitment to benefiting others.


You may also make out your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, and mail it to PO Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001.

With thanks from all of us at Amitabha Foundation

Friday, December 27, 2024

Join Parinirvana Amitabha Prayers


According to directions from Ayang Rinpoche's monastery, we will be holding a group practice of the Concise Namchö Buddha Amitabha sadhana and the Long Prayer to be Reborn in Dewachen on the remaining seven day anniversaries since Rinpoche's parinirvana.

Those who have received the Buddha Amitabha empowerment and oral transmission are welcome to join our online practice on the following days at 7:00 pm (Eastern time):

December 25, January 1, January 8, January 15 and January 22.

Join the practice by Zoom at this link*: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81572930999?pwd=9t5W8LzvstaE2zmcKSwW3nZKwnneo5.1 

We will be following a recording of Rinpoche, and will be posting the text (Tibetan and English) on the Zoom sessions. For more detailed information, visit our website or email us to receive a copy of the visualization notes, if you are qualified.

View the live streamed pujas being done daily at the monastery on Facebook.

We invite you to make a donation (tax-deductible in the US) to support the monastery and 49-day parinirvana ceremonies; make out your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, and mail it to PO Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001, or donate online here.

Thank you for your participation and support,

Your sangha at Amitabha Foundation US

Parinirvana of H.E. Choeje Ayang Rinpoche


It is with great sadness that we are forwarding this announcement from H.E. Choeje Ayang Rinpoche's monastery about his parinirvana on December 4 2024.

Following the completion of thugdam, Rinpoche’s sacred remains (kudung) have been placed in the old temple in Bylakuppe for his disciples to offer their respects. Rinpoche’s first 7th-day observance falls on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 during which the monastery's rinpoches, khenpos, lamas and monks will perform the 100 Deities Peaceful and Wrathful Offering Prayer.


For those disciples wishing to visit Rinpoche’s monastery in South India, Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling, please consult this travel information.

If you would like to make a donation (tax-deductible in the US) to support the monastery and parinirvana ceremonies, please make out your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, and mail it to PO Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001, or donate online here.

Please visit our website for updated information, including this announcement in Tibetan, Chinese, Vietnamese and Russian.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Access Road to Amitabha Retreat Center, Kathmandu


From September 28-29, 2024, 10 inches of rain fell in the Kathmandu Valley. Kathmandu was cut off all weekend, as the three highways out of the city were blocked by landslides.

True Lhamo writes, "Unprecedented heavy rains in Nepal have triggered landslides, causing significant damage to the access roads leading to the Amitabha Retreat Center in Kathmandu.

"The landslides have resulted in blocked and cracked roads, along with additional damage within the retreat center's premises.

"Our road going up to the retreat Center has cracked and settled down and some retaining wall needs to be built due to landslides.

"Any donations sent to the Amitabha Foundation Nepal account, or to your local Amitabha Foundation center, for road repairs and restoration of the affected areas would be greatly appreciated and immensely helpful."

To make a tax-deductible donation in the US, please make out your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, and mail it to PO Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001, or donate online here.

Thank you for your generous support!

Your friends at the Amitabha Foundation

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dzambhala Wealth Deity Puja September 24 - 28 Bylakuppe, India


The annual Dzambala offering Puja at Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling Monastery in Bylakuppe is being held from September 24 to 28, 2024. Dzambhala means “precious golden deity who gathers or distributes spirituality or Dharma with material stability or accomplishment to our circumstances.” Dzambhala aids us through removing all catastrophes and hurdles, as well as boosting all good fortune and contentment.


Dzambhala is an emanation of Buddha Ratnasambhava, whose enlightened activity is increasing and whose essence is generosity. He is portrayed riding a snow lion and holding victory banner and a jewel-spitting mongoose. Some view the mongoose as triumphant over snakes or nagas, the keepers of wealth.


The offering puja is also referred to as a Yangdrup, meaning a ritual to generate “Yang”, the powerful magnetizing properties associated with fortune and luck. This in turn creates all opportunities to ensure accomplishment in spiritual practice, as well as an abundance of wealth, prosperity, success, good fortune, luck, long life and wisdom in a person’s personal, business and family life.


People who wish to dedicate prayers for their business or loved ones, including pets, living or passed, may send in their contributions through the Amitabha Foundation in their own country, directly to the monastery’s account, by donating online here, or by sending a check (payable to Amitabha Foundation, mailed to P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001). Donations are tax-deductible in the US.

Please send offerings and names by 8:00 PM (Pacific Time) on September 27th to be included on the prayer list.