Ayang Rinpoche

Ayang Rinpoche is also the founder of two monasteries, in cluding Thupten Shedup Janchub Ling at Bylakupee, Chogyab, and Ayang Tulku, Ayang being the name of a 435-year-old monastery in Kham (eastern Tibet) which is a branch of the Drikung main monastery.Perhaps no Tibetan lama is more identified with the transmission of Phowa to the West than His Eminence Ayang Rinpoche.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Celebrate mothers!

In 2015 the Amitabha Foundation received $93.26 from AmazonSmile because our supporters donated 0.5% of their Amazon purchases to us. It all happens without any additional cost to you! Sign up here and your purchases will automatically blossom into additional income for the Amitabha Foundation's spiritual and humanitarian projects in Tibet, Nepal and India.

Great News! We reached our goal of $15,000 to put a new roof on the clinic!

For another way to honor motherhood on America's holiday of Mother's Day, May 8, please give the gift of life by donating to our Safe Childbirth in Tibet project. We will be reactivating our Global Giving project in May with the goal of raising enough money to purchase clean Birthing Kits for 200 mothers, $10,000, and to pay the doctors' and midwife's salaries for the next year, $15,000. But you can help now by sending a check to our address below, or donating online using PayPal or your credit card. We will send a Mother's Day e-card on your behalf, and send your names for dedication of prayers to Ayang Rinpoche's monastery in Tibet.

With thanks, and wishes for a meaningful spring,

Becky Loy, Vice President/Treasurer
Amitabha Foundation
P.O. Box 2572
Aptos, California 95001

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Drikung Kagyu Dharma Protector 
Achi Chokyi Drolma

The annual 100,000 Achi Tsog Offering Puja at Ayang Rinpoche's monastery in Bylakuppe will begin April 20 and last for one week.

Those who would like to make an auspicious connection with the Achi Tsok Offering Puja are encouraged to send their donations to the Drikung Charitable Society account. For a tax deductible donation in the U.S., please send your check to the Amitabha Foundation, P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, California 95001, or 
donate online here.  
You may dedicate your offering to loved ones, whether they are living or have passed.

Here is an edited excerpt of a short biography of Achi Chokyi Drolma, given by Ayang Rinpoche in Sydney, Australia in 2004:
Achi Chokyi Drolma is an emanation of Vajra Yogini and Tara. She was born in the central area of Tibet. Beginning at a young age she was very special. She had great compassion and always practiced Tara, and she taught the Tara prayer to everyone in the village. When she grew older she prophesized that in the future there would be a new Buddhadharma lineage, and that she would be that lineage's Dharma protector, whereupon she wrote protector offering prayers. Several generations later, her great grandson Jigten Sumgon started the Drikung lineage and she did become the main lineage Dharma protector.

She moved to Eastern Tibet, married and had 4 sons. Her most holy practice place is in East Tibet. At her death she attained the Great Rainbow Body. Her entire body become rainbows and light, leaving only her hair and nails. Like this, with no need to change this physical body, she went to the Pure Land.

On the relative level Achi was like the Dharma protector. But on the ultimate level, Achi had already attained the 10th Bhumi of a Bodhisattva. In this way, Achi was already enlightened. Achi's activity in Tibet is very famous. All the Tibetan people, especially the older generation people, know very well about her great activity, how it is so helpful because it is very fast. In Tibet, some great masters say that Achi is exactly the same as the Buddha, and if we pray to Achi, then by our Achi practice we will achieve enlightenment, or we will attain the Pure Land at our death moment.

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Friday, April 1, 2016

Ayang Rinpoche's 2016 US and Canada Schedule

Please save the dates for Rinpoche's 2016 visit to the US and Canada. More information will follow shortly. Please visit our website for updates.

August 18-27Toronto, Ontario
 Phowa Course
September 2-4Vancouver, British Columbia
 Teaching To Be Announced
 Contact:  amitabhafoundation.vancouver@gmail.com
September 9-18San Jose, California
 Phowa Course
 Contact:  th97quach@gmail.com