Ayang Rinpoche

Ayang Rinpoche is also the founder of two monasteries, in cluding Thupten Shedup Janchub Ling at Bylakupee, Chogyab, and Ayang Tulku, Ayang being the name of a 435-year-old monastery in Kham (eastern Tibet) which is a branch of the Drikung main monastery.Perhaps no Tibetan lama is more identified with the transmission of Phowa to the West than His Eminence Ayang Rinpoche.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Access Road to Amitabha Retreat Center, Kathmandu


From September 28-29, 2024, 10 inches of rain fell in the Kathmandu Valley. Kathmandu was cut off all weekend, as the three highways out of the city were blocked by landslides.

True Lhamo writes, "Unprecedented heavy rains in Nepal have triggered landslides, causing significant damage to the access roads leading to the Amitabha Retreat Center in Kathmandu.

"The landslides have resulted in blocked and cracked roads, along with additional damage within the retreat center's premises.

"Our road going up to the retreat Center has cracked and settled down and some retaining wall needs to be built due to landslides.

"Any donations sent to the Amitabha Foundation Nepal account, or to your local Amitabha Foundation center, for road repairs and restoration of the affected areas would be greatly appreciated and immensely helpful."

To make a tax-deductible donation in the US, please make out your check in USD to Amitabha Foundation, and mail it to PO Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001, or donate online here.

Thank you for your generous support!

Your friends at the Amitabha Foundation

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dzambhala Wealth Deity Puja September 24 - 28 Bylakuppe, India


The annual Dzambala offering Puja at Thupten Shedrub Jangchub Ling Monastery in Bylakuppe is being held from September 24 to 28, 2024. Dzambhala means “precious golden deity who gathers or distributes spirituality or Dharma with material stability or accomplishment to our circumstances.” Dzambhala aids us through removing all catastrophes and hurdles, as well as boosting all good fortune and contentment.


Dzambhala is an emanation of Buddha Ratnasambhava, whose enlightened activity is increasing and whose essence is generosity. He is portrayed riding a snow lion and holding victory banner and a jewel-spitting mongoose. Some view the mongoose as triumphant over snakes or nagas, the keepers of wealth.


The offering puja is also referred to as a Yangdrup, meaning a ritual to generate “Yang”, the powerful magnetizing properties associated with fortune and luck. This in turn creates all opportunities to ensure accomplishment in spiritual practice, as well as an abundance of wealth, prosperity, success, good fortune, luck, long life and wisdom in a person’s personal, business and family life.


People who wish to dedicate prayers for their business or loved ones, including pets, living or passed, may send in their contributions through the Amitabha Foundation in their own country, directly to the monastery’s account, by donating online here, or by sending a check (payable to Amitabha Foundation, mailed to P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001). Donations are tax-deductible in the US.

Please send offerings and names by 8:00 PM (Pacific Time) on September 27th to be included on the prayer list.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Long Life Ceremony for H.E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche September 18-20


We would like to share the Long Life Prayer Ceremony Schedule for His Eminence Chöje Ayang Rinpoche, the Illuminator of the Glorious Drikung Kagyu Teachings.


September 16: Arrival at Drikung Kagyu Thubten in Mysore, South India of His Eminence Kyabje Gar-Namrol Rinpoche and ten monks along with their entourage, from Ladakh Aryan region.


September 17: Torma making and offerings preparation


September 18-19: Ritual of Bhagavati Cintamanicakra Tara (Wish-fulfilling Wheel Tara)


September 20: Lamp Illuminating the Clear Arrangement of Practices" ritual, focusing on Chakrasamvara, Mahakala and other deities


If you would like, you are welcome to support the Long Life Ceremony for H.E. Chöje Ayang Rinpoche:

Feast Offerings (Tsok)

Tea offerings for lamas and monks

Meals for lamas and monks

You may dedicate your offering to loved ones, living or deceased. Please send offerings and names by 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) on September 16th to be included on the prayer list.

Make US-tax-deductible donations through the Amitabha Foundation USA by check (payable to Amitabha Foundation, mailed to P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001), or online. Donations may also be made directly to Drikung Charitable Society or through the Amitabha Foundation branch in your own country.

For this information in Tibetan and Chinese, please visit Facebook.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Summer Retreat (Yarney) in Bylakuppe Concludes September 3


The annual summer retreat (Yarney) at Ayang Rinpoche's monastery in Bylakuppe, India will finish September 3.

On the morning of the last day, the monks conclude the summer retreat by wearing their best robes and circumambulating the Amitabha and Achi Temples. Then, for the next three days, the monks have a party with games and entertainment appropriate for the different age groups. Read more here and see photos and videos on Facebook.


If you would still like to participate in these virtuous activities by making offerings for shrine expenses and sponsoring tea and special meals for the sangha you are welcome to do so.


You may dedicate your offering to loved ones, living or deceased. Please send offerings and names by 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) on August 30th to be included on the prayer list.

Make US-tax-deductible donations through the Amitabha Foundation USA by check (payable to Amitabha Foundation, mailed to P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95076), or online. Donations may also be made directly to Drikung Charitable Society or through the Amitabha Foundation branch in your own country.

May All Be Auspicious!


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Summer Retreat (Yarney) in Bylakuppe Now Through September 3

Yarney, or the annual summer retreat, has begun at Ayang Rinpoche’s monastery in Bylakuppe, India. This is a tradition that goes back to the time of Buddha. Its purpose was to allow monks to gather and shelter from the monsoon rains and to take time to reflect, pray, meditate, and listen to the dharma. During Buddha’s time, the summer retreat was three months long: by staying in a single location for the duration of the rainy season, the monks avoided the increased likelihood of walking on and harming many insects and other small beings that reproduce during the rainy season.


During the days, there are philosophy discussions, debates and and Dharma talks, and every evening aspiration prayers (monlam) are recited. The monks also take their half-yearly examinations during Yarney.

On the morning of the last day of Yarney, the monks conclude the summer retreat by wearing their best robes and circumambulating the Amitabha and Achi Temples. Then, for the next three days, the monks have a party with games and entertainment appropriate for the different age groups. Read more here and see photos and videos on Facebook.


Another benefit of the retreat is that it gives faithful patrons an opportunity to accumulate merit. It is considered very important for lay people to participate in these virtuous activities through actions such as making offerings for shrine expenses and sponsoring tea and special meals for the sangha.

You may dedicate your offering to loved ones, living or deceased. Please send offerings and names by August 30th to be included on the prayer list.

Make US-tax-deductible donations through the Amitabha Foundation USA by check (payable to Amitabha Foundation, mailed to P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95076), or online. Donations may also be made directly to Drikung Charitable Society or through the Amitabha Foundation branch in your own country.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Guru Rinpoche Tsok Offering Prayer June 16


On June 16, the tenth day of the lunar month and Guru Rinpoche's most auspicious day of the year, the annual Guru Rinpoche Tsog offering prayer will be performed at Ayang Rinpoche's monastery in Bylakuppe, India. Anyone who wishes to make an offering and dedicate it to their loved ones, living or dead, may do so through the Amitabha Foundation in their respective countries.

To those who are new, Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava, is a highly revered figure in Tibetan Buddhism. His name, meaning "Lotus-Born," signifies the belief that he was miraculously born from a lotus flower. Credited with bringing Buddhism to Tibet in the 8th century, he is regarded by many Tibetan Buddhists as a second Buddha and is deeply venerated for his teachings and spiritual achievements.

Read more about Guru Rinpoche's life and legacy on our website.

To make a tax-deductible donation in the US to sponsor the Guru Rinpoche Tsok Offering Prayer, please click here or mail your check made out to Amitabha Foundation, to PO Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95001. To have your dedication included in the Prayer Ceremony, please send your donation by June 14 at 10 pm (Pacific).

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

April Phowa Course in Nepal Postponed


We are sorry to announce that H.E. Choeje Ayang Rinpoche has indefinitely postponed his upcoming Phowa Course in Nepal, originally scheduled for April 11-18, 2024.

Please see Rinpoche’s letter to the sangha, below.

Rinpoche works tirelessly to benefit beings. At this important time, when his health doesn't allow him to travel and teach, we can make offerings to help Rinpoche accomplish his vast Dharma activity quickly.

With love and devotion to our precious Rinpoche,

The Amitabha Foundation USA Sangha

Support Ayang Rinpoche's Projects to Benefit Beings for Generations


Send contributions through Amitabha Foundation in your own country, directly to the monastery’s account, or donate online.