Ayang Rinpoche

Ayang Rinpoche is also the founder of two monasteries, in cluding Thupten Shedup Janchub Ling at Bylakupee, Chogyab, and Ayang Tulku, Ayang being the name of a 435-year-old monastery in Kham (eastern Tibet) which is a branch of the Drikung main monastery.Perhaps no Tibetan lama is more identified with the transmission of Phowa to the West than His Eminence Ayang Rinpoche.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Summer Retreat (Yarney) in Bylakuppe Concludes September 3


The annual summer retreat (Yarney) at Ayang Rinpoche's monastery in Bylakuppe, India will finish September 3.

On the morning of the last day, the monks conclude the summer retreat by wearing their best robes and circumambulating the Amitabha and Achi Temples. Then, for the next three days, the monks have a party with games and entertainment appropriate for the different age groups. Read more here and see photos and videos on Facebook.


If you would still like to participate in these virtuous activities by making offerings for shrine expenses and sponsoring tea and special meals for the sangha you are welcome to do so.


You may dedicate your offering to loved ones, living or deceased. Please send offerings and names by 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) on August 30th to be included on the prayer list.

Make US-tax-deductible donations through the Amitabha Foundation USA by check (payable to Amitabha Foundation, mailed to P.O. Box 2572, Aptos, CA 95076), or online. Donations may also be made directly to Drikung Charitable Society or through the Amitabha Foundation branch in your own country.

May All Be Auspicious!


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